Carrot Cake Cupcakes

What I love about spring is seeing the spring vegetables popping up in grocery stores: peas, asparagus, carrots, lettuces. You might wonder why carrots are on my list of spring vegetables when you can get them year round. In the spring, the baby carrots are so sweet and tender and are different from what you get the rest of the year. They really should be enjoyed when you see them in the market in the spring.

Maybe it’s the timing of the spring carrots or all of the pictures of bunnies ahead of Easter, but this time of year makes me think about Carrot Cake. The origins of Carrot Cake are a little fuzzy. There are references to something like it throughout history, and many cultures have a version of a carrot cake or a carrot pudding. Whoever put cream cheese frosting on top was brilliant!
My mom made a carrot cake sheet-cake with cream cheese frosting that I just loved growing up. I seem to be the only one who likes carrot cake now so instead of making a full cake, I turn them into cupcakes. I can make a big bunch or leave a few unfrosted and freeze to enjoy later.
Below is my Mom’s recipe for her sheet-cake with baking instructions for cupcakes. These can be great for a spring brunch or as a dessert with Easter dinner.
Note: if you like a lot of cream cheese frosting, you may want to make a double batch.
